Notify a change of address for school and college travel
Please notify us of any change of address, ideally the week before you are expecting to move.
If you change address, we will need to reassess your transport application, as it may impact your school or college transport eligibility:
- complete a change of address notification, preferably a week before your expected move date
- still eligible and no change to transport required, we will email to advise you can continue to use the existing transport
- still eligible but we need to change your existing transport
- the contracts team will amend the contract and a new pass will be sent to you as soon as possible
- we can send this to your original address or the new address, depending on the timing of the move
- no longer eligible for free transport, we will write to you with any available options and details of how to make payment for them
- if you do not wish to pay for transport, we will end your record and all transport will cease
- return any pass to us that you are no longer eligible for, you will still be liable for any costs until it is received in the office:
- Education Travel Team, County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester, WR5 2NP
- if you are due a refund for any unused days on a pass you have purchased, we will refund the pro rata amount via the original method of payment
Please note that during busy periods it may take up to 5 working days to process a change of address notification.