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Online library

Online library

Download free eBooks, eAudiobooks, eNewspapers and eMagazines.

Access the online library

  • all library members have free access to the online library
  • you do not need to sign up to a digital account if you are already a library member
  • reservations for eBooks and eAudio books are free

Digital library membership

If you are not already a library member a digital library membership is available to all Worcestershire residents and gives you free access to eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines. It can be easily upgraded to full library membership by providing proof of your name and address to a library building.

Apply for Digital Membership

Borrow eBooks and audiobooks with BorrowBox

  • To access BorrowBox, you will need your library card number and PIN
  • Then select ‘Worcestershire’ as your library service
  • Customers can borrow up to 4 eBooks and 4 audiobooks at any one time using BorrowBox
  • This service is only available to library customers who are Worcestershire residents

Download the BorrowBox app

Access BorrowBox online

Need help?

Download the BorrowBox user guide

Introducing Worcestershire reads, a new feature on BorrowBox!

Worcestershire Reads and Listens

Explore Worcestershire Reads and Listens for instant access to new eBooks and eAudiobooks every month. A curated collection handpicked by Worcestershire's libraries are available now to download on BorrowBox.

We are making hundreds of copies of each title available for one month, eliminating waitlists. A new collection of eBooks and eAudiobooks will be added on the 1st of each month, so don’t forget to revisit our BorrowBox site to see what we’ve got in store for you: Access BorrowBox online

BorrowBox, gives you access to eBooks and eAudiobooks - the latest titles, award winners, non-fiction, and the classics, all of which are available 24 hours a day with a Worcestershire Libraries membership.

You can share your thoughts on the books you read each month via social media using the #WorcestershireReads hashtag.

Borrow digital newspapers and magazines with PressReader

  • To access PressReader you will need to register using the ‘Libraries & groups’ button in the app
  • Select ‘Worcestershire’ as your library service
  • Login using your library card number and PIN
  • Get access to more than 7,000 of the world’s top newspapers and magazines as soon as they’re available on shelves
  • This service is only available to library customers who are Worcestershire residents

Download the PressReader app

Access PressReader online

View content through PressReader using HotSpot Complimentary Access

When you open the PressReader app or website, go to Sign In then select Library or Group to provide your Library Number and Pin.

To maintain access to the PressReader you'll need to confirm your library membership and keep your account active.

If you let the 30-day period expire, a pop-up will prompt you to enter your library PIN, as in the PressReader app example below:

If you miss this prompt, don't worry, simply log out by going to More, then Accounts.

Select your Account, then scroll down to 'Sign Out.'

Once you log back in using your library credentials, the countdown will reset to 30 days.

Please do not turn off the HotSpot toggle in settings, as this disables access.

Use or Enable HotSpots should be turned on, as in the PressReader website example below:


From March 1, 2024, Worcestershire Libraries no longer subscribe to the Libby service.

Explore over 7,000 FREE eMagazines and eNewspapers from across the globe using PressReader.

Last year, an incredible 4.5 million articles were enjoyed by Worcestershire Library members. Download FREE eBooks and eAudiobooks from Borrowbox and enjoy the latest titles, award winners, non-fiction and classics. More information is available further up this web page.

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