Designing Worcestershire’s streets and highways' infrastructure
The Streetscape Design Guide for Worcestershire is being updated.
The Streetscape Design Guide for Worcestershire is being updated, and we would like to hear from developers, local residents, businesses, community groups and other interested parties to obtain your feedback.
The current Streetscape Design Guide was last fully updated in 2018 (with minor amendments since 2018). We want to ensure that our roads, streets and public spaces are designed and built in line with the most up-to-date guidance and legislation to meet our aims and objectives to ensure they are:
- accessible, safe and practical space for all users
- designed with options for walking, wheeling, and cycling and the use of public transport
- attractive places using high-quality design which are easy to maintain and built to last
- enhanced local areas that are respectful to existing conservation and heritage areas
- designed with green spaces that make the most of green infrastructure to provide attractive areas for local communities
- designed to safeguard habits for ecology and biodiversity
To help designers, planners and other stakeholders design and deliver high-quality streets and public spaces, the new draft Streetscape Design Guide has been updated to include more guidance and definitions for:
- street hierarchy
- street lighting
- buses
- active travel
- electric vehicle charging requirements
- street trees and soft landscaping
- Net Zero
- commuted sums and bonds
The focus of this public engagement exercise is to obtain feedback so that we can finalise and publish the updated Guide in Spring 2025.
Download: Draft Streetscape Design Guide (PDF)
Have your say
You can share your views by completing either a technical survey for developers and planners or you can complete a non technical survey for the general public.
Technical survey
We have a technical survey available to those that are involved with streetscape design:
Scan the code to access the technical survey:
![QR code](/sites/default/files/2024-10/SDG%20code_0.png)
Non-technical survey
We have a short non-technical survey for members of the general public:
Non-technical online survey link
Scan the code to access the non-technical survey:
If you require assistance completing the survey, staff at your local Libraries are happy to help you fill it out Alternative formats of the survey are available on request by:
emailing: majorprojects@worcestershire.gov.uk
The public engagement exercise starts Monday 4 November 2025 to Monday 27 January 2027 closing at midnight.