Find a school or specialist educational provision (SEND)
How to choose a school and the different types of specialist educational provision for children and young people with SEND.
Use the filter in this school search to find a school or setting in Worcestershire suitable for your child's needs.
Find a Worcestershire school or setting
How to choose a school or education setting
The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) can help you with any questions you might have about choosing a school for your child. SENDIASS also has a factsheet with useful information including questions you might want to think about when looking for a school or setting.
Types of specialist provision
Most children/young people with special needs go to their local mainstream setting, school or college, but sometimes a pupil needs more specialist support.
Throughout Worcestershire there are a range of different types of schools and educational provision in addition to mainstream schools and early years settings. These provide support for children and young people with SEND in different ways depending on the needs of the children and come under the term ‘Specialist Educational Provision’.
‘Special educational provision is provision that is different from or additional to that normally available to pupils or students of the same age, which is designed to help children and young people with SEN or disabilities to access the National Curriculum at school or to study at college.’
Definition from SEND Code of Practice April 2015
Click the sections below to find out more about the different types
You may also want to use the link below to do a wider search for schools/colleges/education centres for children and young people with special educational needs which are outside of Worcestershire.
Please note this is an external website and we are not responsible for its content.
Special Schools in Britain | schools for children with special needs
Download: Specialist Education Provision in Worcestershire (PDF)