Stay, weigh and play sessions and self-weigh stations (DRAFT - Best start)

Stay, weigh and play sessions and self-weigh stations (DRAFT - Best start)

Important information about stay weigh and play sessions and self-weighing your baby.

If you are a parent or carer of a baby under the age of the 2 you can weigh your baby at several locations across Worcestershire.

Stay, weigh and play sessions are on offer across the county and families are invited to join. You can bring your baby along to play; meet other parents and use the self-weigh scales as part of the session.

Stay weigh and play sessions take place within the Family Hubs and there are other self-weigh stations open alongside baby groups within libraries and other community buildings across Worcestershire, these are listed below.

Information about stay, weigh and play sessions

Weighing your baby is quick and easy, but if it’s your first time using one of the self-weigh stations, attending a stay, weigh and play session or if you need a little more guidance, please read the information below.

Weighing your baby

After the first 2 weeks following birth, your baby should be weighed:

  • no more than once a month up to 6 months of age
  • no more than once every 2 months from 6 to 12 months of age
  • no more than once every 3 months over the age of 1

Your baby will usually only be weighed more often than this if there are concerns about their health or growth.

Find out more about weighing your baby here: Your baby's weight and height - NHS

Additional information

Please note: There will be no health visitor or health professional available to speak to at these sessions as they are mainly run by volunteers. If you have any concerns or require advice, please contact your named Health Visitor or the Telephone Advisory Service (TAS) on: 01905 520032, Monday to Friday 9:00am to 1:00pm.

Unfortunately, there is no parking available for visitors at most stay, weigh and play sessions. You are encouraged to use local car parks or on-street parking where available. Please be considerate of homes and drives and do not block other cars.

Self-weigh stations are only open at certain times so please check prior to attending.

Children over 2 years of age

If your child is over the age of 2 years old and you wish to get them weighed, you will need to book an appointment at one of the Well Child Clinics instead. 

Step-by-step guide to weighing your baby

A step-by-step on how to weigh your baby.

  1. wipe down the mat and scales with antibacterial wipes provided
  2. place a paper towel down on the mat and scales, using the paper towels provided
  3. undress your baby and remove their nappy
  4. check the scales are turned on and set to zero
  5. place your baby on their back on the scales – try to keep them as still as possible and not holding on to anything, as this can affect the weight. If your baby is able to sit unaided, you can sit them on the scales instead
  6. take note of the weight
  7. take your baby off the scales and get them dressed again
  8. record your baby's weight in their PCHR Red Book
  9. wipe down the mat and scales again with antibacterial wipes,  and put any rubbish in the bins provided

Recording your baby's weight

At the back of your Red Book (Personal Child Health Record - PCHR) you will find a table similar to the one below to record your baby’s weight. You should complete this each time your baby is weighed and check your babies weight against the centile chart.

Personal Child Health Record (PCHR) Red Book - Recording your baby's weight chart

Understanding your baby's weight chart

Your child's growth will be recorded on centile charts in their Personal Child Health Record (PCHR), or red book.

These charts show the pattern of growth healthy children usually follow, whether they're breastfed or formula fed, or having a mixture of both.

Visit the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health website to see some  examples of baby weight charts.

Boys and girls have different charts because boys tend to be a little heavier and taller, and their growth pattern is slightly different.

You can download both boys and girls growth charts here, the blue chart should be followed for boys and pink chart for girls: baby growth charts for 0-4 years

Understanding your baby's growth

Steady weight gain is one of the signs that your baby is healthy and feeding well. It's normal for babies to lose some weight in the first few days after birth.

Your baby will be weighed during their first 2 weeks to make sure they're regaining their birthweight. Most babies are at, or above, their birthweight by 2 weeks. A midwife or health visitor will support you if your baby loses a large amount of weight or does not regain their birthweight by 2 weeks. They'll talk to you about how feeding is going, possibly ask to observe a feed if you're breastfeeding, and look at your baby's health in general.

Your baby's length may also be measured at some of their developmental reviews.

Find more information here: Your baby's weight and height - NHS

Stay, weigh and play and self-weigh locations

Click on the dropdowns below to find out more about your local stay, weigh and play Family Hub.


Pear Tree Family Hub

Stay, Weigh and Play sessions on Thursday's

Session 1 - 9:30am to 10:30am 
Session 2 - 11:00am to 12:00pm

Please call: 01905 520032 to book onto a session slot.

Unfortunately there is no parking available for visitors. You are encouraged to utilise local car parks or on-street parking where available. Please be considerate of homes and drives and do not block other cars.


WANDS Family Hub

Every Tuesday from 1:30pm to 2:30pm.

No need to book, just turn up. However, we do reserve the right to close the group if the activity rooms reach capacity.


Sunshine Family Hub at Malvern Vale 

Stay, Weigh and Play sessions every Wednesday from 1:00pm to 2:30pm.


Holly Trees Family Hub

Stay, Weigh and Play sessions on Wednesday's

Session 1 - 12:30am to 1:30pm 
Session 2 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Please call: 01905 520032 to book onto a session slot.

Unfortunately there is no parking available for visitors. You are encouraged to utilise local car parks or on-street parking where available. Please be considerate of homes and drives and do not block other cars.


Tudor Way Family Hub

Every Wednesday from 9:30am to 11:00am 

Saffron Family Hub 

Every Thursday from 1:00pm to 2:30pm 

Buttercup Family Hub

Every Thursday from 10:30am to 11:30am

Buttercup Sensory Stay, Weigh and Play 

Every Thursday from 1:15pm to 3:15pm for a 30 minute session.

All sessions are drop-in, but please be aware we may need to close the room if we reach capacity.

Wyre Forest

Brookside Family Hub

Monday's from 9:30am to 11:00am for babies and children aged 0-5 years old.

No need to book,  just turn up. However, we do reserve the right to close the group if the activity rooms reach capacity.

Half Crown Wood Family Hub

Thursday's from 1:00pm to 2:30pm for babies and children aged 0-5 years old.

No need to book, just turn up. However, we do reserve the right to close the group if the activity rooms reach capacity. 

Other locations

Evesham Medical Centre

Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month from 10:00am to 12:00pm.

To book call: 01905 520032

Pershore Health Centre

Every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 10:00am to 11:00am.

To book call: 01905 520032 via WANDS Family Hub.

Tenbury Library - Tenbury Wells

Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month from 9:30am to 11:00am.

At Tenbury Library, Teme Street, Tenbury Wells, WR15 8AA.

No need to book for any of the sessions, just turn up. However, we do reserve the right to close the groups if the activity rooms reach capacity.

Upton-Upon-Severn Library - Upton-Upon Severn

Last Monday of the month from 10:00am to 11:00am.

All sessions are drop-in, but please be aware we may need to close the room if we reach capacity.

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