Pregnancy support (DRAFT - Best start)
Information, advice, and guidance about what to expect through your pregnancy and the support available.
Found out you are pregnant?
If you live in Worcestershire you can refer yourself to see a midwife using the simple online form below.
Booking a midwife appointment before you have been pregnant for 12 weeks gives the best chance of a healthy pregnancy for you and your baby. Your community midwife will have lots of information to help you, can answer your questions and arrange your scans.
Local information
Find local support:
- Maternity Services - Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust
- Pregnancy support - Worcestershire Video Library
- WISH Pregnancy Advisory Service
- Directory of maternity services and support
- During your pregnancy - Antenatal care
Useful links
Find further pregnancy support here:
- Start4Life's weekly emails
- Pregnancy - NHS
- Finding out you're pregnant - NHS
- Pregnancy information- Tommy's
- Evidenced-based information on Pregnancy
- Get help to buy food and milk (Healthy Start)
- Having a baby if you're LGBT+ - NHS
- Pregnancy-related conditions - NHS
- Services and support – BirthWays
- Baby on the way - Barnardo's
- Young parents - Barnardo's
- Teenage pregnancy support - NHS
- When pregnancy goes wrong - NHS
- Miscarriage - NHS