Midwifery, maternity, and labour services (DRAFT - Best start)

Midwifery, maternity, and labour services (DRAFT - Best start)

Information about local maternity services, antenatal care, labour and birth in Worcestershire.

Found out you are pregnant?

If you live in Worcestershire you can refer yourself to see a midwife using the simple online form below:

Tell us you are pregnant

Booking in with your community midwife as early as possible will help you and your baby stay healthy. Your community midwife can also provide lots of information, answer your questions and help you to book appointments. Worcestershire maternity services, including the Meadow Birth Centre, are based at Worcestershire Royal Hospital.

For more information, visit: 

Antenatal care

Find out about antenatal care options and choices in Worcestershire including scans, clinics, physio, multiple pregnancy support and pelvic floor exercises:

Making a birth plan

A birth plan is a record of what you would like to happen during your labour, birth , and after the birth. If you would like a birth plan your midwife will help you plan one.

The following link provides information about how to make your birth plan and a link to download a birth plan template:

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