Antenatal classes (DRAFT - Best start)

Antenatal classes (DRAFT - Best start)

Antenatal classes can help you to prepare for your baby's birth and give you confidence and information.

Choosing an antenatal class

Think about what you want to gain from antenatal classes so you can find the class that suits you best.

It's a good idea to start making enquiries early in pregnancy as classes get booked up early. To find out about free classes near you, ask your midwife, health visitor or GP or visit: Find antenatal classes - NHS 

Speak to your community midwife if you cannot go to classes.

Birth and beyond classes

Birth and Beyond provides free sessions for parents to be on topics such as: 

  • getting to know your unborn baby
  • changes for you/partner
  • giving birth and meeting baby
  • your health and wellbeing (Parents)
  • feeding, bathing and practical care of your new baby
  • information about people and services who are there for you

It is recommended that you start Birth and Beyond Worcestershire between 28 and 32 weeks of pregnancy.

Sessions run over four consecutive weeks and last two hours with a further session after your baby is born. Follow the link for more information.

More information:

Online learning

The Solihull approach

The Solihull Approach is a not-for-profit NHS service for practitioners and parents to support emotional health and wellbeing in children, families, adults and older adults.

The Solihull approach offers 'in our place' which is a portal for online courses tailored to children’s developmental stages for you to learn in your own time in a safe, private space.

Find out more here:

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