Paying for your over 16 travel assistance
Find prices and make payments for over 16 travel assistance.
Before you start
Do not make a payment unless you have submitted a transport application and have received a payment letter from us - if you have not, please contact us using our online enquiry form.
- you will need the Education Travel Number or Your Ref Number, found in the payment letter. (please note: this is not the EDT number issued when you submitted the application form, the bus service number or the Eligibility Code)
- payments are dealt with as quickly as possible. However please note that this can take up to 10 working days to process during our busy periods
- we will not be liable for tickets purchased while waiting for the application to be processed, within the 20 working day turnaround for current year applications or for September applications submitted after the 31 July (late).
Contribution rates
All over 16 students are required to contribute towards their transport.
You can pay for your over 16 Travel Assistance online either annually, termly, half termly or by 9 monthly Direct Debit payments.
You will be sent a payment request via email once transport is allocated. Please do not make payment unless you have received this email.
The contribution rate will depend on the type of transport offered to you.
Please visit the relevant scheme page for details: