Training providers, traineeships and study programmes
There are many education options when leaving school, not one size fits all. Read more about these other solutions and understand if they are right for you.
Independent training providers offer courses in a range of vocational subjects and work preparation such as traineeships, apprenticeships, and supported internships.
Individual training providers often focus on a particular type of course or vocational or work option and offer another option to college for further education to help young people progress in learning and progress to employment through traineeships and study programmes.
Each training provider offers something slightly different, so ensure you research your options finding the most suitable match for you.
Local training providers
The following training providers are available locally:
A traineeship is a skills development programme that includes a work placement. It can last from 6 weeks up to 1 year (although most will last for less than 6 months).
Traineeships help 16 to 24 year olds or 25 year olds with an education, health and care (EHC) plan, to get ready for an apprenticeship or job if they don’t have the right skills or experience.
Study programmes
If you’re going into post-16 education or training, your school or college will offer you a study programme, whether you’re doing academic or vocational study (or a mix of both).
A study programme is an individual learning plan based on your qualifications and achievements, what you want and need to do next, and any career plans you have.