Supported Internship
A supported internship is a type of study programme specifically aimed at young people aged 16 to 24 with a EHCP who wish to move into employment.
A supported internship is a type of study programme specifically aimed at young people aged 16 to 24 with a EHCP who wish to move into employment.
Supported internships can bridge the gap between education and the world of work or volunteering. These courses can help you get ahead as you move into adulthood
Supported internships are a great opportunity to improve the life chances of young people with SEND by supporting them into sustained, paid employment. Achieving paid employment not only brings young people financial independence, but it can be key to:
- building confidence and self-esteem
- increasing health and well-being
- gaining friendships and a social life
What is a Supported Internship? Student edition
What’s involved
Supported internships are a structured, work-based study programme for 16 to 24-year-olds with SEND, who have an education, health and care (EHC) plan. The core aim of a supported internship study programme is a substantial work placement, facilitated by the support of an expert job coach.
Supported interns are enrolled and supported by a learning provider, for example, a school or college, but spend most of their learning time - typically around 70% - in a workplace.
There are no entry or completion requirements for supported internships, and each learning provider will work with their supported interns to develop a personalised programme that meets their needs and provides progression and stretch. The internships provide the opportunity for young people to achieve sustained, paid employment by equipping them with the skills they need for work, through learning in the workplace.
Supported interns are in full-time education and their supported internship work placements are part of their course. There is no legal requirement or expectation that the supported intern will be paid. Supported internships are exempt from the National Minimum Wage regulation.
Supported internships last for a minimum of 6 months, and up to a year.
The supported internship should contribute to the long-term career goals of the young person and match their capabilities. Alongside their time with the employer, supported interns complete a personalised study programme delivered by the school or college, which includes the chance to study for relevant qualifications, if appropriate, and English and maths at an appropriate level.
Every young person is supported in the work placement by a trained job coach, put in place by their education provider. The job coach provides in-work support that tapers off, if appropriate, as the supported intern becomes familiar with their role. Job coaches also work with employers, increasing their confidence in employing individuals with additional needs and helping them to create and support a diverse workforce.
Bursary Funding support
Moving into employment can be a difficult decision and funding the gap of training and education can be another barrier to consider. However, Worcestershire County Council wish to support this journey with providing some additional funding through the Supported internship bursary scheme.
We want to give you the best chance possible at moving into paid employment. The Supported Internship Bursary is a £1,000 bursary to help with the initial and ongoing costs associated with your supported internship. Your bursary can be spent on things that will help you complete your supported internship, like travel and equipment.
To find out more information or how to apply for the supported internship bursary, please contact: inclusiveemployment@worcestershire.gov.uk
Difference between a supported internship and a traineeship or apprenticeship
Supported internships and traineeships are work-based study programmes that aim to support young people into employment. Apprenticeships are paid jobs that include off-the-job training.
Supported internships are specifically for young people with an EHC plan, and as such, they are expected to require a different level of support compared to a trainee or apprentice. They will have a job coach to support them in their workplace learning.
Supported interns are expected to need a longer programme than a trainee. Traineeships usually last between 6 weeks and 6 months with the aim of progressing people to an apprenticeship or employment as quickly as possible. Supported internships last for at least 6 months, and up to a year.
There are no entry or completion requirements for supported internships, and each learning provider will work with their supported interns to develop a personalised programme that meets their needs and provides progression and stretch.
Local Providers who offer Supported Internships
- Mencap
- Supported Internships, Level 1 | Heart of Worcestershire College (howcollege.ac.uk)
- Kidderminster College
- Supported Internships - WCG - Warwickshire College
- Project Search link Home - DFN Project Search *Please note Project Search is being delivered through Young Adult Learning
Documents to download
Download: What is a Supported Internship? SEND (PDF)
Download: What is a Supported Internship? SEND InPrint (PDF)
Download: Supported Internship Guide (PDF)