Explore Further Education options for SEND
Further education, Training Providers and Sixth Form Colleges offer a wide range of courses for young people, at all levels of achievement.
Courses at colleges and training providers help students gain qualifications and develop work skills, to help give them the best chance of gaining employment. There are courses with work experience options and other courses which are mainly work based learning such as supported internships, traineeships and apprenticeships.
The usual progression steps are:
- Pre-Entry (Level Entry Level 1 /2 /3)
- Level 1 (GCSE 1-3)
- Level 2 (GCSE 4 and above)
- Level 3 (‘A’ level)
Sixth Forms
Not all schools in Worcestershire have sixth forms allowing students to carry on their education within the same establishment. You can find a list of Post 16 providers here.
Just like Colleges some schools hold open evenings for students that may wish to move to their sixth form. It is worth exploring what setting works best for you and your future.
Here is a list of Worcestershire SEND Schools that offer a higher level of support to those with an EHCP
Worcestershire Local Authority SEN Schools with Sixth Forms
- Chadsgrove School
- Kingfisher School
- Pitcheroak School
- Regency High School (Academy)
- Rigby Hall School
- Vale of Evesham School (Academy)
- Wyre Forest School
Specialist Schools with Sixth Forms or Post-16 Provision
Post - 19 school-based provision
- Chadsgrove Educational trust Specialist College
- Victoria School - Post-19 (called Victoria College) Northfield, Birmingham
Local Colleges
Local colleges will have a range of courses that may be applicable for your learning level and ability. It is advised that you explore the college and the options of courses from year 9 allowing you to familiarise yourself with the college and in case courses change.
Some of our local colleges have multiple campuses so ensure you find out where your course is delivered.
Worcestershire has a range of colleges to pick from. Depending on your needs and learning level some courses may not be open to all students.
We encourage you to visit your local colleges and speak with the learning services department to explore what course options will be a suitable.
Your local colleges:
There are a few more options locally to explore, use our Local Offer website to see more.
There are many benefits of attending local college, including:
- building a future in your local area
- keeping family and friends close
- picking up a local part time job
- learn in the heart of your community
- skills based learning
If you have an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) you may be offered additional support. This will help you navigate transition, find your routine, manage your workload and more.
Transitioning to a college may feel daunting however, there can be short and long term benefits.
- easier transition
- your learning can be tailored to your needs
- learning local can provide good progressive links
- you maintain your family and friend network
- you can build on your local knowledge and start to become more independent
Not all colleges have entry level courses, these courses can be found through individual college websites and through the Life Beyond School Booklet.
Just like school, colleges have additional staff and resources to support students who may have an additional need and it is important to investigate the support that is offered, to meet your learning requirements.
Travel to local college can a hurdle to navigate around there can be support gained from your local council but not always, so ensure you find out prior to accepting a college place.
Post-16 travel assistance is not automatically offered to all students who have an EHCP and there is eligibility criteria, including closest college that meets your needs. For further information on this you can speak to your local Council visit Special Education Needs and Disabilities travel assistance