Independent specialist colleges
If a student has very complex needs, they may need to consider an Independent Specialist Placement (ISP).
In most cases, students will be able to find a suitable course at an educational provider within their local area. Very occasionally, if a student has very complex needs, they may need to consider an Independent Specialist Placement (ISP) which may be further away.
The student must have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) to access one of these placements and the Local Authority will only consider funding an ISP once all local options have been exhausted.
(Please note that the Local Authority cannot agree to place a pupil at an ISP if there is an equivalent course/ provision available locally)
For those young people requesting residential specialist college placements, the Local Authority will require evidence that the proposal for a placement has been made as a result of appropriate assessment and guidance. Involving collaboration between relevant agencies, including adult social care and health.
If you think an independent specialist college is appropriate and have discussed the options with your current educational establishment, you may wish to find out where these colleges are located and what they offer.
You can find out more information about where these colleges are located and what they offer by visiting Natspec.