Early years in schools
Our Early Years School Improvement Advisers offer specialist support and training to schools with EYFS provision.
The Early Years Team can provide support, advice and training for school-based early years settings. To request support, please EYCC@worcestershire.gov.uk
The Early Years Inclusion Team can help schools to develop inclusive practice in order to support the needs of children. To request Inclusion support, please email EYInclusion@worcestershire.gov.uk
Setting up early years provision as a school
Schools who are interested in opening up early years provision should use the following guidance documents to support them through the process:
The first steps
Before any decisions are made, it is important for schools to consider the following:
- is there any demand for early years provision in their community?
- will it have a detrimental impact on other early years providers?
- does the school have space for an early years setting?
- how is the provision going to be financed?
To ensure that appropriate support can be provided, the following form should be completed by schools who are considering opening early years provision, School Based Early Years Provision - Initial Proposal Form
Governor led provision
For maintained schools that have formally made the decision to open Governor Led provision, the following form should be completed, Governor-Led School Based Early Years Provision - Post Consultation Form