Information for Early Years and childcare settings
Working with early years and childcare settings in Worcestershire.
Early years training
Search and book onto training.
Early Years Inclusion
Children who are known to the Early Years Inclusion team will be offered support as part of the core (free) offer.
Childcare sufficiency
Information about the sufficiency of childcare within Worcestershire.
Early years in schools
The early years team provides training, consultancy and commissioned support to early years providers in schools.
Nursery Education Funding (NEF)
Guidance for early years providers who offer, or wish to offer, Nursery Education Funding in Worcestershire.
Early years safeguarding
Advice and guidance on safeguarding for schools and settings.
Becoming a childminder
Are you considering becoming a childminder? Then we can help!
Integrated 2 Year Check
The integrated review is available to children between 24 and 30 months old.
Worcestershire Early Years Community Page
We aim to keep our early years community updated on national and local initiatives, as well as any support groups and meetings that are operating locally.
Contact the Early Years Team
Find out who to contact in the Early Years Team.
Early Years Toolkit
This Early years toolkit has been designed as a one stop shop for all things early years. As a team we have put together a range of useful resources to support quality improvement and the delivery of the EYFS.
Information for parents and carers
Advice and guidance for parents and carers during early years.
Request support
A self-referral form for Early Years leaders.
Early help in the early years
Informative webcasts to help early years settings and childminders deliver early help to children and families.
Opening an early years or out of school setting
Advice and guidance on opening an early years and out of school setting.
Playwork and out of school settings
Advice and guidance for out of school providers.
Schools opening out of school (wraparound) provision
Advice and guidance for schools and trusts who are interested in developing out of school provision.
Early Years transition toolkit
This toolkit is designed to support all Early Years practitioners in Worcestershire to prepare children for transition.