Early Help in the Early Years
Informative webcasts to help early years settings and childminders deliver early help to children and families.
We’ve created a series of informative webcasts to help early years settings and childminders reflect on current practice and understand their role in delivering early help to children and families.
See our webcasts below:
Supporting families through Early Help
Creating your ‘Supporting Families Offer’
Using Early Help Assessment Effectively (Part One)
Using Early Help Assessment Effectively (Part Two)
Low level concerns in the Early Years
Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2023 places a requirement on schools and colleges to have policies and processes in place to deal with any concerns or allegations regarding adults working or volunteering with children, which do not meet the harm threshold, referred to as ‘low-level’ concerns.
Although this requirement is specifically applicable to schools and colleges in England, KCSIE clearly states, as a matter of best practice, it could be applied to any organisation working with children.
This 40 minute webcast explores our safeguarding responsibilities and the importance of building a positive culture around safeguarding, considering how adopting low level concerns into our safeguarding practice can strengthen this. We will address the confusion that sometimes arises between the definition of concerns, complaints and allegations and how to deal with these effectively. We will also consider past serious case reviews and investigations with a focus on Vanessa George and Jimmy Saville to help us understand the importance of addressing ‘niggles or concerns’.
By the end of the 40 minutes I am hoping you will have the knowledge, confidence and passion to adopt low level concerns into your current practices to help build an effective safeguarding culture to be proud of.