School careers resources for Gatsby Benchmark 3
Useful downloads and resources to support teaching and learning towards Gatsby Benchmark 3: Addressing The Needs Of Each Pupil.
Gatsby benchmark 3: Addressing the needs of every pupil
All students should receive tailored careers activities and guidance to support their individual needs, this should be a key aspect of your educational establishments careers programme. All encounters should be kept through systematic records for each individual student and students should have access to these records to support their career development.
The below documents will support you in tracking your students and provide you with a template that should be used to submit destination data to Worcestershire County Council
- Download: Learning Journey Master
If you are unsure of how to complete the Learning Journey, the below presentation will provide a detailed explanation
- Download: Learning Journey Presentation
The Careers and Enterprise Company have been working to develop the Compass+ tool to help you benchmark, manage, track and report on your school’s careers programme. Compass+ is completely free to use and links with your SIMS system to ensure that detailed information can be recorded against each individual student within your educational establishment. You can find out more information on the Careers and Enterprise website or alternatively, get in touch with your Enterprise Coordinator who will be happy to help.
- Download: Challenging Stereotypes - Overview
- Download: Challenging Stereotypes - Activity
SEND Activities
- Download: Challenging Stereotypes SEND - Overview
- Download: Challenging Stereotypes - SEND Activity
- Download: Famous People (SEND) - Overview
- Download: Famous People (SEND) - Activity
- Download: Famous People (SEND) - Activity (no icons)
I am a young person
- Download: How to write a covering letter
- Download: How to write a covering letter (with SEND icons)
- Download: How to look for a job online
- Download: How to look for a job online (with SEND icons)