SENDIASS guidance for transport
Information about school transport and SEND.
School transport
If your child is of compulsory school age they’re entitled to free school transport if they live further away than the statutory walking distance from the nearest school with places, that provides education appropriate to their age, ability and aptitude.
The statutory walking distance is over:
- two miles from home to school for children of primary school age
- three miles from home to school for children of secondary school age
Your child or young person isn’t automatically entitled to free school transport if they have SEND or have an Education Health and Care (EHC) plan. The normal criteria still apply.
If your child’s EHC plan says that their needs can be met at a mainstream school, the normal eligibility criteria apply, unless they can’t walk the specified distance for their age because of a disability or health condition.
If your child goes to a school that has been named as parental preference, which isn’t the nearest suitable school, or the designated school for their home address, then the local authority aren’t obliged to provide transport.
For further information see the IPSEA transport guide, Worcestershire Special Education Needs and Disabilities travel assistance, or School and college transport – Herefordshire Council.
Also in this section
- Concerned about your child’s progress
- What is SEND?
- SEND, Support and EHCPs
- Early years
- Choosing a school for a child with SEND
- Resolving disagreements or making a complaint
- Mediation and tribunal
- Education Otherwise Than at School (EOTAS)
- Transport
- Health