Inclusion SEND
We help to develop the leadership of SEND and inclusion through our offer of consultancy, audits and opportunities to share and learn effective practice.
Worcestershire SEND Local Offer
Information about provision available across education, health and social care for children and young people who have Special Educational Need (SEN) or are disabled, including those who do not have an Educational Health and Care (EHC) plan.
Website: SEND Local Offer
Website: Graduated Response (SEND support in education provision)
SEND inclusion network
Termly half-day network meetings bring together Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (SENCos), Inclusion Leaders and Pupil Premium Champions to deliver National and Local updates and provide opportunities for schools to share effective practice. Delegates are encouraged to present evidenced based support strategies, share challenges faced by their school and their learners and identify common themes to address.
Network meetings focus on the following aspects:
- providing the latest National and Local legislation, information and updates
- responding to learner needs and provide solution focussed strategies
- sharing exemplar templates, tools and materials
- opportunities to discuss and showcase an effective practice including impact on educational and wider outcomes
- inviting a range of wider support services and agencies to provide specific and specialist support and guidance
- encouraging delegates to develop partnership working and provide peer to peer support and challenge
- information in relation to wider CPD opportunities and developments
- providing meaningful opportunities for networking with leaders from other schools and settings
SEND Review
A SEND Audit will support accurate school self evaluation and strengthen leadership capacity of SEND and Inclusion within your school. It will provide evidence to support inspection and identify priorities for improving outcomes for pupils with SEND.
A SEND Specialist from the School Improvement Team or Learning Support Team will work alongside the school SEND and Inclusion Leader to undertake a rigorous SEND Audit and model effective practice.
By completing the SEND Audit Tool, the school will gain:
- a review of the effectiveness of the SEND Information Report and key policy documentation
- a clear and comprehensive overview of the school’s Graduated Approach and the effectiveness of whole school provision in meeting pupil’s needs
- an evaluation of data tracking systems to determine the impact of provision on learner progress and outcomes
- one-to-one consultancy and professional discussion with a SEND specialist to model effective practice and provide key recommendations to ensure that all learners with SEND achieve well
- support with Action Planning to ensure priorities are developmental and lead to sustainable improvements
The outcomes of this meeting can be used by the school to prioritise areas for SEND development which could be included in the school’s self evaluation audit and School Improvement Plan.
Effective leadership of SEND and inclusion
Developing the leadership of SEND and Inclusion through providing bespoke consultancy and/or conducting a whole school needs audit to improve provision in order to accelerate progress and improve outcomes for the most vulnerable pupils in your school or setting.
We are able to create tailored packages according to your school’s individual requirements. Activities may include:
- developing and embedding a clear Graduated Approach to meeting the needs of pupils with SEND
- analysing and using data to target interventions and determine the impact of provision on learner progress and outcomes
- developing effective provision management systems for mapping and evaluating the quality and impact of provision in place
- curriculum support: the development of creative and meaningfully differentiated learning
- preparation for Ofsted inspection
- SENCo development and support (this can include leadership development, effective provision development and target setting, monitoring impact and outcomes, role of the SENCo, communicating with parents and services, leading effective meetings)
- support and guidance in relation to statutory website compliance
- developing the role of the SEND Governor
- effective deployment of support staff
- reviewing the effectiveness of policies, procedures and statutory duties for pupils with SEND
- programmes of bespoke training for whole staff, groups or individuals
SENCO Leadership Development Programme
Ensure your school meets the statutory duty to support pupils with SEND.
The SENCO Leadership Development Programme will equip participants with skills to develop a more strategic approach to leading SEND and enable participants to reflect on current practices to identify how approaches can be adapted to greater influence other key staff and further develop an inclusive school culture.
Designed around the SEN Code of Practice the SENCO Leadership Development Programme has been developed to support SENCos pr Inclusion Leaders in their role, to gain:
- a better understanding of their leadership role and influence across the whole school
- leadership confidence, knowledge and skills in order to engage more effectively with middle and senior leader colleagues
- access to a range of practical tools and approaches to record, monitor and evaluate the impact of provision on pupil outcomes
- an understanding of how the SENCo can support the school to address the local and national agenda to ensure no child is left behind
"Opportunity to reflect on statutory duties of school in relation to SEND." "Helen facilitated this course with great passion and integrity ensuring we never lost sight of the main purpose ensuring all children receive and get the outcomes they deserve." Becky Anderson, Acting SENCO, Northleigh CofE Primary School
SEND Resources
Download: Achievement Summary and Tracking Progress for Groups of Vulnerable Learners (Word document)
Website: Alternative provision statutory guidance from GOV.UK
Website: DfE Statistics SEN 2019 from GOV.UK
Website: Early Years Guide to SEND Code of Practice from GOV.UK
Download: Graduated Response in Worcestershire
Download: Graduated Approach School Example (Word document)
Download: Graduated Response Reflection and Readiness (Word document)
Website: Schools Guide to the 0 to 25 SEND Code of Practice
Website: SEND Code of Practice January 2015
Download: SEND Governor - What they should know and understand (PDF)
Download: SEND Information Report (PDF)
Download: SEND Finance Presentation (PowerPoint)
Download: SEND Audit Tool (Word document)
The Education Services SEND Audit Tool has been designed as a useful starting point for schools to think about and reflect on the nature and quality of their current provision, strategic decision making and the impact that this has on outcomes for children and young people with SEND.
SEND Presentations
SEND team leaders and specialist advisers have collaboratively produced a suite of PowerPoint presentations focussing on key aspects of SEND and Inclusion.
These materials have been specifically designed as part of the SEND Improvement Strategy to support school leaders in developing the knowledge, skills, understanding and confidence of their workforce to effectively meet the needs of pupils with SEND and strengthen the school’s capacity to deliver high quality SEND provision.
Please use the presentations in your school or setting as appropriate, to share key messages, reflect on current practices and identify areas for focused improvement. It is intended that these presentations will support schools in strengthening their inclusive practice and subsequently improve the consistency of high-quality SEND provision across Worcestershire schools and settings.
Download: Equality Act and Inclusion in Schools presentation (PowerPoint)
Download: Graduated Response in Worcestershire (PowerPoint)
Download: School funding for SEND (PowerPoint)
Download: SEND Assessment and Planning presentation (PowerPoint)
Download: SEND Overview presentation (PowerPoint)
Contact the School Improvement Team
To discuss your SEND requirements.
Email: schoolImprovement@worcestershire.gov.uk
Telephone: 01905 844490