Inclusion in Educational Settings
Information on promoting and supporting Inclusion and Inclusive practice in our educational settings.
Welcome to our web pages aimed at promoting and supporting Inclusion and Inclusive practice in Worcestershire’s educational settings. On this site you will find information about different areas of need, how you identify them, what universal strategies you can put in place in your educational setting and where to go to find out more about them and about services that may be able to provide further help and support.
Worcestershire’s Inclusion Definition
Read our inclusion definition.
The SEND Graduated Response
This guidance is intended to be used as a tool for schools and settings and those partner agencies working with parents, carers and young people with SEND.
Cognition and learning
Advice and resources for schools and settings on cognition and learning needs.
Communication and interaction
Advice and resources for schools and settings on communication and interaction needs.
Physical and sensory
Advice and resources for schools and settings on physical and sensory needs.
Social, emotional and mental health
Advice and resources for schools and settings on social, emotional and mental health needs.
Professionals’ Toolkit
Templates, guidance and resources to support senior leaders in schools, e.g. SENCOs, DSLs, to promote inclusion and meet identified needs.
Early Years Inclusion
Children who are known to the Early Years Inclusion team will be offered support as part of the core (free) offer.
English as an Additional Language for schools
Information and support for schools from the English as an additional language team.
Attendance and CME
Attendance and Child Missing Education (CME). The Education Engagement Team work alongside schools, settings and external partners to promote the importance of education.
Children who Cannot Attend School
The CCAS process and panel works with partners to support children who cannot attend school.
Exclusions and Fair Access
Provides support for children and young people, parents/carers, school leaders, governing bodies and other professionals.