What is a Study Programme?
A study programme is like an individual learning plan based on your qualifications and achievements, what you want and need to do next, and any career plans you have.
If you’re going into post-16 education or training, your school or college will offer you a study programme, whether you’re doing academic or vocational study (or a mix of both).
Your study programme will be a tailored package. It’s like an individual learning plan based on your qualifications and achievements, what you want and need to do next, and any career plans you have.
What’s in a study programme?
Each person’s programme will vary. Your school or college will explain how your programme details reflect your individual needs, abilities, and ambitions.
You will spend most of your time studying an academic or vocational qualification, or if you’re not ready, a traineeship or extended work experience placement.
Whether you are studying one or more qualification these will be included in your study programme. The vocational or academic qualifications form the main part of the study programme which will also include enrichment activities such as work experience. A non-qualification element which will allow you to try out different things such as sports or crafts.
In addition, many students studying for A levels complete an Extended Project Qualification to supplement the studies that they are completing for their A Level courses.
There’s a range of activities to support your progression to help you develop personal, study and employability skills. If you haven’t achieved the required grades in English and Maths you will continue to study these. If you need tailored support or SEND this will also be included in your study programme.
Work experience as part of a study programme
If you’re taking vocational qualifications like an NVQ, T level, traineeship, or other work-related
course, work placements can be part of your training.
If you are planning to move onto higher or further education, work experience and other work-related education could still be provided as part of the course.
If you’re not yet ready to study a main academic or vocational qualification, work experience may be provided as the main part of your study programme to help you develop employability skills.
Your school or college will arrange your work placements, aiming to ensure their relevance to you and your studies, so that your experience will help you decide on future careers and show your potential to future employers or universities.
What's next?
After finishing a study programme you could:
- go to University
- look for employment
- go on to vocational or work-based qualifications, such as an apprenticeship
- if you are not quite ready for an apprenticeship a traineeship may just be the thing for you
- if you are self-employed or volunteering for more than 20 hours a week you can also
- study part-time as well to support you in further improving your work skills
Documents to download
Download: What is a Study Programme? (PDF)
Download: What is a Study Programme? SEND (PDF)