Post 18 SEND provision

Post 18 SEND provision

For young people who transition to post 18, the provision of an EHC Plan or assessment for a Plan, will only be required where the young person needs longer in education or training than their peers to achieve their outcomes and make a transition into adulthood. 

The Local Authority will need to consider whether still being in education or training will enable the young person to progress and achieve those outcomes and help them prepare for adulthood. 

Young people who no longer need to remain in formal education or training will not require an EHC Plan and therefore the Plan will be ceased.

For those Young People with an EHCP who remain in Education and Training beyond the age of 18,  who continue to access a programme of study that shows progression, the EHCP will be maintained to the end of that academic year in which they turn 25 and then no longer remain in place.

Decisions to cease to maintain the EHCP will be based on the Annual Reviews that take place to determine whether remaining in education and training provides evidence of impact and progression. Each Young Person’s exit from an EHCP will be planned carefully to support transitions and effective preparation to adulthood.

In addition, a young person who is studying for a level 4 qualification (higher education level, such as a degree) would not be entitled to an EHC plan.

There are separate systems in place to support disabled young people in higher education, including Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs). These are non-repayable grants that assist with additional costs incurred by disabled students, you can find out more on here: Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs).

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