Wildgoose Rural Training needs your vote!

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Worcestershire County Council is backing the farm-based day service, to win over £60,000 of National Lottery funding.

Wildgoose Rural Training, a farm-based day service from Hallow in Worcester, is in the running to receive £68,000 from The People’s Projects campaign.

The National Lottery Community Fund, ITV, UTV and the Sunday Mail (in Scotland) have teamed up to give the public a chance to decide how National Lottery funding should be put to good use in their local area through The People’s Projects.


The Worcestershire-based project is the county’s sole representative in the shortlist. The project helps to bring people with disabilities together, and is regularly used by 117 Adults and 40 young school age students, who struggle to attend school.

It gives them the chance to learn from new experiences, out and about in the open air. This can be anything from interacting with animals, learning what goes into looking after a farm, to woodwork and maintaining vehicles.  


The service, moved to a brand new 42 acre site in 2019, is contracted by the County Council as a day opportunity for adults with disabilities.

The further funding will support them to build new teaching spaces, create employment opportunities, buy new teaching resources and grow organic produce to make wholesome food.

It will also give those who attend an opportunity to care for animals, and participate in 

woodworking, mechanics and blacksmithing.

Councillor Adrian Hardman, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care at Worcestershire County Council, said: “This project has been fantastic through the years, giving people with disabilities the opportunity to develop their skills and learn new things out in the open air. I’d urge the people of Worcestershire to vote for it, and help take it to the next stage.”


Jim Hidderley, Managing Director for Wildgoose Rural Training said: “The funding will be key to us being able to offer continued places to some of the most vulnerable folks in Worcestershire, all votes will be incredibly important and appreciated.”

David Knott, Chief Executive of The National Lottery Community Fund, said: “The People’s Projects delivers much-needed funding to the heart of communities and showcases the incredible efforts of hard-working projects across the UK. The short-listed groups are truly inspirational, each delivering life-changing support to their community in different ways. It is now time for the public to have their say in how vital National Lottery funding is used in their area to make a difference to people’s lives, particularly in these challenging times.”

Since it started in 2005, The People’s Projects has awarded around £45 million to over 1,000 good causes.  

Voting closes at noon on Friday 26 May 2023. People can vote only once per region and will need an email address or mobile number to vote*. To support Care Farm for Everyone and for Terms and Conditions please visit The Peoples Project website

National Lottery players raise over £30 million each week across the UK for good causes. 

Last year The National Lottery Community Fund, the largest funder of community activity in the UK, awarded over half a billion pounds (£579.8m) of life-changing funding to communities across the UK, supporting over 14,500 projects. Over the last three years, its funding has reached every constituency and every local authority in the UK.

To find out more visit The National Lottery Community Fund Page