West Mercia Police and Crime Panel needs a new Independent Member

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The Council

Do you want to be a part of decisions made in your local community by your Police and Crime Commissioner? If so, we want to hear from you!

The West Mercia Police and Crime Panel is looking to appoint a new independent member.

The panel is part of the governance arrangement for policing in the West Mercia area. It ensures that the Police and Crime Commissioner is being held to account for their current performance and decisions.

The Commissioners' main responsibilities are setting the strategic direction and accountability for policing, holding the Chief Constable to account, working with partners to prevent and tackle crime and re-offending, contributing to resourcing of policing response to regional and national threats and ensuring value for money.

The closing date for applications is 5pm on Monday 6 December 2021.

Councillor Aled Luckman, Chairman of West Mercia Police and Crime Panel, said: “The role of the Independent Panel Member is key to the fair and objective scrutiny of the Police and Crime Commissioner. It provides a real opportunity to get involved in reviewing key strategic decisions taken by the Commissioner and by the wider police force. As a panel member you are actively involved in ensuring exceptional policing standards across West Mercia and reflecting the views of local people within our community at the highest level.” 

The commitment required will vary but is expected to average one day a month. Meetings will generally be held during normal working hours at locations within West Mercia, mainly at County Hall in Worcester. This is not a paid position.

 Applications to join the panel are particularly welcomed from residents with experience in community safety, victim support, criminal justice and related issues.

Applicants need to be a resident or someone that works within the West Mercia police force area.

All Panel members are able to claim reasonable travelling expenses and will receive induction and other appropriate training once appointed.  

For further information about the West Mercia Police and Crime Panel please contact Sheena Jones, Democratic Governance and Scrutiny Manager at Worcestershire County Council, 01905 846011 or e-mail sjones19@worcestershire.gov.uk