Time to recognise Worcestershire’s outstanding voluntary groups

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the Lord-Lieutenant presenting the KAVS award to Ourside in May 2024


Worcestershire’s Lord-Lieutenant is calling on local communities to nominate outstanding volunteer groups for the prestigious King’s Award for Voluntary Service.


The prestigious King’s Award for Voluntary Service (KAVS) is the highest national honour for volunteer groups, often described as the equivalent of an MBE for volunteer groups.

This distinguished award celebrates the remarkable contributions of voluntary groups who go above and beyond to make a lasting impact in their communities. Established in 2002 to commemorate Queen Elizabeth II's Golden Jubilee, the award continues to honour exceptional voluntary work across the UK.

Each year, on His Majesty The King’s birthday in November, a select number of extraordinary volunteer groups from around the country are recognised for their dedication and tireless efforts to improve the lives of others.

Now is the chance for Worcestershire’s unsung heroes to shine. If you know of a volunteer group making a real difference, don’t miss the opportunity to nominate them for this prestigious accolade and help showcase the incredible work happening right here in our county!

Mrs Beatrice Grant, The Lord-Lieutenant of Worcestershire, said: "A key part of my role is to encourage volunteering and to celebrate the wonderful work done by so many unsung heroes in our County. We know that there are many voluntary organisations in this County, each meeting a particular need, with the vast majority going about their business quietly and unseen in the background."

Worcestershire has had some exceptionally worthy recipients over the years, including community village shops, community theatres, homeless charities, neighbourhood lunch groups and disability charities, to name but a few.

Ourside Youth Association in Evesham were one of the organisations to receive the award this year and their Centre Manager Bev Wride said after the presentation, “Receiving this award gives very special recognition and allows a very big totally deserved public thank you to all of our passionate, incredible and selfless volunteers who work tirelessly often behind the scenes driving the youth centre forward allowing us to provide such a vital space for young people, It comes at a time when youth work has never felt so challenging and so very much needed. It’s incredible!”

If you know of such an organisation and would like to nominate them, please either contact the Lieutenancy via email on Lieutenancy@worcestershire.gov.uk,  by phone on 01905 845639.

You can also visit the King’s Award for Voluntary Service website for more information and guidance and to download the nomination form.

This prestigious award is a wonderful way of recognising, celebrating and thanking all those who do so much good by volunteering to help and support others and to enhance the communities in which we live.

The 2025 awards are now open for nominations and will close on 1 December 2024.