Speak out and raise awareness of child exploitation

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Worcestershire Children First

March is a busy month as Worcestershire Children First aims to highlight the issues surrounding Child Exploitation; encouraging everyone to think, spot and speak out against this type of child abuse.

Friday 18 March is National Child Exploitation Awareness Day and Worcestershire Children First is keen to raise awareness of this issue that affects all children and the work it does alongside Get Safe Partners to promote the welfare and safety of all children in this work.  

Councillor Andy Roberts, Cabinet Member for Children and Families, said: “All children are vulnerable to child exploitation. Any child can be exploited no matter what culture, ethnicity, religion, age, regardless of gender or sexuality and from any background.

The Worcestershire Multi Agency Get Safe partnership continue to work together to tackle child exploitation. We are working across services to ensure the public and professionals can identify the indicators of child exploitation and know how to report it and how to access information and support.

The Get Safe Team will be located next to the Knife Angel in Cathedral Square, Worcester between 10am and 5pm on the following dates: Wednesday 16 March, Tuesday 22 March, Friday 25 March and Tuesday 29 March.

The Get Safe Team will be on hand to speak to the public about the Knife Angel, Get Safe and Child Exploitation support that is available if you or someone you know needs it in Worcestershire, as well as advice on how to talk to your child about knife crime.

For more information and advice, visit the dedicated Get Safe pages of the County Council website.