A snowy start for the first gritting run of the season

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Travel and roads

Our gritting teams have been out twice on Worcestershire’s roads in the last 12 hours. 

The first run at 7.30 pm yesterday evening was followed by a further run at 2 am this morning with snow ploughs fitted around 6 am on higher ground.

All the primary and secondary roads are running freely and we’ve cleared some key areas, around schools for example.

Drivers still need to take care on the narrower, minor roads which haven’t been treated.  

To view your local gritting routes visit the Gritting Ice and Snow pages of the county council's website. 

A cold health amber alert has been issued for the West Midlands until 6 pm on 23 Nov.

For local information to help you stay well visit the Worcestershire Winters Well webpage.

For more information on how to stay well go to: Keeping warm and well: staying safe in cold weather - GOV.UK