New Inclusivity Events Launched to Empower Worcestershire Businesses

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4 people stand outside the entrance to County Hall, each holding a copy of the INclusive Worcestershire magazine. There are 3 people stood at the rear (a man to the left and 2 women to his right) and a young woman kneels in the foreground facing the camera.

Worcestershire businesses are being invited to join in a series of events designed to elevate their inclusive workforce credentials.

INclusive Worcestershire is an initiative spearheaded by Worcestershire County Council, Worcestershire Local Enterprise Partnership (WLEP), and Worcestershire Growth Hub. They are hosting a series of seminars aimed at championing inclusive employment which Worcestershire businesses are being encouraged to sign up for.

The free seminars, held at Worcestershire County Cricket Club, will cover topics such as Inclusive Leadership (16 October 2023), Supporting Neurodiversity in the Workplace (7 December 2023), Inspire & Grow Diverse Talent (17 January 2024), and Workplace Wellbeing (13 March 2024).

Hannah Strong, INclusive Worcestershire Lead shared her thoughts on the significance of these seminars. "INclusive Worcestershire is dedicated to supporting and collaborating with local businesses, education institutions, and training providers to promote diversity in hiring practices, including individuals with learning or physical disabilities. Our goal is to equip local businesses with the tools they need to instigate positive and effective change within their organisations. These seminars offer a wealth of knowledge and practical strategies that employers can take back to their workforce.

I’m really excited by what we can all learn from these events, with the first one held on the 16th October all about Inclusive Leadership. By embracing inclusivity, businesses can create environments that foster innovation and empower all employees. We are confident that INclusive Worcestershire can pave the way towards a more inclusive and dynamic future for the entire county."

Mark Fitton, Director of People at Worcestershire County Council applauded the new programme of events, "I encourage local businesses to get involved with these seminars, which are a testament to our unwavering commitment to fostering inclusivity and investment in the local workforce. Employers can learn so much from them, which can make a real positive impact on their business and the people they employ. INclusive Worcestershire represents a transformative opportunity for the county, to build vibrant and diverse workplaces that benefit both businesses and individuals alike. We are determined to make Worcestershire a national leader in terms of inclusive employment practices, and these seminars are a great way for Worcestershire businesses to get involved and pave the way towards a more inclusive and dynamic future for the entire county.”

INclusive Worcestershire supports and works with local businesses, education institutions, and training providers, to encourage diversity in hiring practices including individuals with learning or physical disabilities.

Businesses wanting to take part and secure a free seminar place, or for more information on INclusive Worcestershire, should visit the INclusive Worcestershire website.