Multi-Million Pound Worcester City Centre improvements enter fourth phase

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Improvement works in Worcester to revitalise key areas of the city centre are continuing at pace.

Works, funded by the Future High Street Fund, have been completed in Angel Row, Angel Place, St Swithin’s Street, Trinity Passage and The Cross as part of phases 1 to 3.

Phase 4 will see the completion of Trinity Street before Christmas, with works in St Nicholas Street and The Foregate to follow in the New Year.

The whole programme of works is being delivered by Worcestershire County Council in partnership with Worcester City Council. Phase 4 works are scheduled to last for approximately 8 months with a 5 week break over the festive period.  

Councillor Marc Bayliss, Worcestershire County Council's Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Economy, Infrastructure and Skills and Leader of Worcester City Council, said: “These works continue to move forward quickly, and I’m delighted to see they are being delivered on schedule. It’s exciting news that the fourth phase of work is about to begin on Trinity Street, followed by improvements to St Nicholas Street and The Foregate.  

“This major investment in the heart of the City Centre will boost the appearance of the entire area, bringing benefits to local retailers, businesses, residents and visitors alike. The project will contribute significantly to the sustainability of our local economy and long term viability and prosperity.”

The improvements on Trinity Street and The Foregate will see footway areas and highway parking bays upgraded using new materials.  Whilst the St Nicholas Street works will see footway areas upgraded with new materials, and a replacement low retaining wall with a handrail for enhanced safety at the east end of the street.  All carriageways will be resurfaced in a later phase.

The overall programme, which will continue into 2024, is part of the major regeneration of the city centre, funded by £17.9 million from Worcester City Council’s successful bid to the Government’s Future High Streets Fund.

Further information can be found here: Worcester City Future High Street Improvements.