A message from the Chairman of Worcestershire County Council

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The Council

Councillor Tracey Onslow, Chairman of Worcestershire County Council, would like to share the following festive message: 

 “For many of us, the festive season is a time to be together, and spend some quality time with our family.  For some people, that quality time is the best present they could receive. We are a really caring county, and gifts aren’t just limited to those wrapped up. Sometimes, the best gifts are spending a few minutes with someone, having a cup of tea and a chat, or providing a listening ear. Especially for those who may not be looking forward to this time of year, or those who are working over the festive period. So, if you want to give something really special this season, see what small act of kindness you can do for the people or community around you."

“During my time as Chairman so far, I have been fortunate enough to see first hand some of the fantastic community work that goes on across the county, it has been both inspiring and humbling. I consider myself extremely proud to be Worcestershire born and bred. During the second half of my term, I am looking forward to continuing to celebrate all the county has to offer residents and visitors, and meeting those who continue to make the county, a fantastic place to grow up, work and visit."

“I wish you all a happy and healthy festive season, and for those who celebrate it, a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.”