"Good is Great!" – Learning Services Celebrate OFSTED Result

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The Council
Staff and learners at Adult Learning and Young Adult Learning stand in a group facing the camera holding a large banner that reads "GOOD is GREAT, proud to be rated good by OFSTED"

Worcestershire County Council’s Learning Services are thrilled to announce the outcome of their recent OFSTED inspection.

OFSTED, the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills, is the independent regulatory body in England that inspects and regulates educational institutions to ensure high standards of education. They carried out an inspection of the council’s Learning Services Worcestershire programmes and the local authority’s employer provider apprenticeship provision, receiving 'Good' ratings across all areas.

Learning Services Worcestershire offer a wide range of educational options, including Young Adult Learning study programmes and traineeships for those aged 16-19, and Adult Learning courses for residents aged 19+. The council's Employer Provider Apprenticeship team deliver apprenticeships from level 2 to level 5, creating entry routes into the organisation, particularly for young people and professional development opportunities for existing employees.

The inspection commended Learning Services Worcestershire for their broad education programmes which empower learners to enhance their confidence, well-being and to re-engage in work and with their local communities. The county council apprenticeships provision was also commended for its dedication to nurturing talent. OFSTED also praised both collectively for creating a calm and inclusive environment in which learners and apprentices can study and learn.

Worcestershire County Council's Apprenticeship Team

Judy Gibbs, Head of Service for Skills at Worcestershire County Council, said: “We’re over the moon to have received such a great result from our recent OFSTED inspection. Working in partnership with fantastic providers our teams are making a positive impact on people’s lives, offering them learning and skills support at all levels. At the heart of our services is a passion to support people from all walks of life in Worcestershire, giving them a safe space to gain new skills and provide exceptional opportunities for learners and apprentices across the county.”

Councillor Marc Bayliss, Worcestershire County Council's Cabinet Member for Economy, Infrastructure and Skills, added: “Reading the OFSTED inspection report and hearing all the fantastic outcomes makes me very proud. The inspection highlighted the enthusiasm of our staff to motivate learners and apprentices to achieve their best. Good is great, and it reinforces our commitment to providing high-quality education and training opportunities for Worcestershire.” 

For more information about Learning Services Worcestershire and their educational programmes, please visit their website here. To find out more about Worcestershire County Council’s Apprenticeship Programme you can follow this link to view the website.

Worcestershire County Councillor Marc Bayliss, Judy Gibbs, and Worcestershire County Council Chief Executive Paul Robinson stand holding a banner that reads "GOOD is GREAT - proud to be rated GOOD by OFSTED"