Get Safe Fourth Anniversary!

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Children's Services
Worcestershire Children First
Get Safe Team with Excellence award

This week marks the fourth year since the launch of Worcestershire’s GET SAFE.

Get Safe is our multi-agency partnership approach to identifying, tackling and protecting children and young people experiencing or at risk of Criminal Exploitation, working across our communities to disrupt and pursue the perpetrators.

Across the week the Get Safe partnership will be participating in a campaign that specifically encourages everyone to look out for the signs of radicalisation, online child exploitation, urban street gangs and knife crime.

Over the past year, the Worcestershire Children First Get Safe team has achieved many successes such as winning the Team Excellence Awards 2022 due to their dedication and commitment to improving the lives of children and young people. The GET SAFE partnership has continued to work together and is committed to raising the public’s awareness of knife crime within the community through the Anti-violence Bee and  Knife Angel.

Tina Russell, Chief Executive of Worcestershire Children First, said: “Lots of positive work has been achieved over the past 4 years of the partnership. It has supported children and young people who have been identified as at risk of or experiencing child exploitation.

“One of our key achievements in the last 12 months has been our dedicated team at Worcestershire Children First winning at the Team Excellence Awards 2022.

“The focus of this year’s campaign celebrates the important work the Get Safe Partnership is doing whilst showing how to spot the indicators of child exploitation, how to report it and how to access information and support.”

The partnership remains committed to supporting victims and their families who experience this. It includes West Mercia Police, Worcestershire Children First, Worcestershire County Council, a range of NHS health services, Education, Youth Justice Services, Housing, Probation and Early Help services. Key voluntary sector agencies are also alongside Get Safe to tackle child criminal exploitation.

To find out more go to the Get Safe pages on our website.