Further investment announced for highways drainage and flood alleviation

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Travel and roads

An extra £1 million per year for the next 3 years is being invested into helping to tackle highway drainage and flooding issues across Worcestershire.

The money is included in the County Council’s Budget for 2022/23 which was recently approved at February’s full council meeting.

This announcement follows recent flooding in Worcester, Bewdley, Stourport, Severn Stoke and Upton, following Storms Eunice and Franklin.

Following this, the County Council has already confirmed a Local Flood Relief Scheme is now open so eligible residents and businesses can now apply for financial help following the February floods.

This additional funding from the Budget will be used to install new drainage assets, such as gullies, pipes, and culverts, as well as for the replacement of damaged or faulty elements of the highway drainage system.

Last year, over 115 highway drainage schemes were completed, 155 sites were attended for root cutting or high-pressure cleansing and work has taken place at 12 locations with permanent drainage issues.

The funding will also allow the County Council to continue to support the Environment Agency with flood alleviation schemes at Tenbury, Bewdley, Severn Stoke, Hagley and Wythall.

Worcestershire County Council Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Environment, Councillor Tony Miller, said: “Following major investment and improvements last year, working alongside Cabinet Member Alan Amos, this additional funding will help to keep key roads open and usable for longer, help increase their lifespan and keep road users safe and moving.”

“This important work to manage surface water in the road network will also help to reduce the risk and impact of flooding on neighbouring residential and business properties. In addition, the funding will help bring millions of pounds of other investment into Worcestershire for a range of flood alleviation schemes. These will help to reduce flood risk for hundreds of residents and businesses.”  

You can find out more about the Council’s highway drainage works and more details about preventing or reporting drainage issues visit the dedicated highway drainage pages on the County Council website.  

For more information about flooding and advice about what to do during a flood or how to report a flood, visit the dedicated flooding pages on the County Council website