County Council Leads The Way with Apprentices

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Worcestershire County Council is proudly supporting this year’s Apprenticeship Awards, celebrating all the great achievements of the many apprentices across the county.

This annual event gives the Council the opportunity to showcase and reflect on the brilliant work of its own apprentices and the important role they play within the wider community.

85% of all apprentices within the Council network either secure permanent roles or gain employment with other employers, with the remaining 15 percent going on to further full time education, further employment or business opportunities.

Belinda Bailey, a Business Administration Apprentice within the Skills and Investment Team at Worcestershire County Council, was chosen to be a guest speaker at this year’s virtual launch event.

Belinda is one of over 200 apprentices that have become part of the Council workforce across Worcestershire County Council, Worcestershire Children First and working in the wider community within the county’s schools.

She said: “I became an apprentice for the Council this time last year, it was a challenge coming into the team during Covid-19. Everything was done virtually and the usual things I would be doing in the office was done online! But it has been so interesting, and I have had so much support from my team here at the Council and also the Apprenticeships Team with the HR function. They really have been brilliant checking in on me and making sure I know what I’m doing and I’m not feeling alone. I have a great support network which is really important.

“Having spent some time in higher education and also working in a retail environment I can say that apprenticeships are definitely the best of both worlds. It allows you to learn on the job which means you can immediately put into practice what you’re learning in the real world. You also have a great team of people who you can learn from, and experience and knowledge that can only come from getting stuck in and learning on the job.

“Being involved in the Worcestershire Apprenticeships Awards last night was really great. I think it all came together beautifully and looked amazing, we got some amazing feedback and I feel really proud to have been a part of it. The Awards are so so important because they give us the opportunity to showcase our Apprenticeships and also appreciate and recognise the value of our Apprentices! They are the future of the workforce, this is how we get the next generation of skilled workers, they are invaluable to the workplace.”

The Apprenticeship Awards, are being hosted in three virtual events on the 16, 17, and 18 November.