Concerned about measles?

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"It's not too late to get your child vaccinated against measles, mumps and rubella." says the county's director of Public Health.

The county's Director of Public Health, Lisa McNally has been reassuring parents that their children can still have the MMR jab, even if they've missed their first or second dose.

Two doses of the MMR vaccine are given to make sure we have the best protection from measles. The first dose is given at 12 months of age and the second dose is given at three years and four months, before starting school.

The MMR vaccine is a safe and effective combined vaccine that protects against three serious illnesses: Measles, Mumps and Rubella.

Lisa McNally, Director of Public Health explained: "It’s never too late to catch up. Parents or guardians of children who are not up to date with their two doses of MMR vaccine can still contact their GP practice to book an appointment.

"Adults who have never previously had the MMR vaccine or have only had one dose should contact their GP surgery to arrange to catch up with outstanding doses."

Having the vaccine protects not only the child but also reduces the spread of the disease. This relies on as many people as possible being vaccinated and is why Public Health experts in the county are keen to continue to encourage all children to be vaccinated.

Measles is a very infectious viral illness that is spread by coughs and sneezes. It usually starts with cold-like symptoms which can include a high temperature, a runny or blocked nose, sneezing, a cough, sore red eyes and a rash. It spreads very quickly to non-immune children and adults who are unvaccinated or have not been infected before.

If an individual catches measles they will probably feel very poorly and be off school or work for around 10 days, but it can also be much more serious.

If anyone has symptoms of measles, please stay at home and phone your GP or NHS 111 for advice. Do not go to GP surgeries or A & E departments so the illness isn’t spread to others.

For more information on measles and the MMR vaccine please visit the dedicated Measles pages of the NHS website.