Applications are now open for parents and guardians to apply for school and college transport for the 2025 to 2026 academic school year.
Applications need to be submitted to Worcestershire County Council by 30 June 2025.
Any applications received after that time may not be assessed or transport arranged for the start of the new school year and parents or guardians may need to make alternative arrangements.
Councillor David Chambers, Worcestershire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Education, said: “School and College Transport is relied upon by a lot of parents and guardians across the county, so it’s important that applications are submitted before the deadline.
“It takes a lot of work to process all the applications, so the earlier you respond the better.”
Where Post 16 students are unsure of which sixth form or college they will be attending until they receive their results, an application should still be made by 30 June. The establishment on the application can be amended once a final decision has been made.
Where a pupil is already receiving school transport, including where payment is required for a vacant seat, a new application is not required. This is only necessary where there is a change of address, school/college or where the pupil will be moving into post 16 education, even if remaining at their previous school.
Parents or guardians do not need to re-apply if they have already submitted their application for the 2025/26 school year.
To apply, please visit the transport applications page on our website.
Following receipt of the application, all communication (including requests for payment) will be by email. An email address will be requested at the application stage and parents/guardians must ensure that this is an email address that will be regularly monitored.
In line with the County Council’s usual practice, confirmation of vacant seat offers on education contracts for non-eligible students will not be made until after October half-term. Seats will be allocated to eligible students first.
Where parents or guardians of non-eligible pupils wish to take advantage of any vacant seat places, they will be added to a waiting list and the Transport Team will make contact when availability is known. In the meantime, parents should continue to make their own travel arrangements for September.