Clone of Care within the home
Care and support you can get within your home.
Our Community Services Directory
Contains local organisations offering local support on help at home (CSD LINK). You can find support on the following topics: home and garden help (CSD LINK), food banks and supplies (CSD LINK), befriending and isolation (CSD LINK), maintaining independence (CSD LINK) and energy support (CSD LINK).
Assessments and eligibility
If you think you or someone else may need care or support, the first step is to understand your needs and how you might get help.
Care at home (Domiciliary care)
Providing care for people in their own homes and providing a Brokerage Service to search for care and support options.
Personal care and support with daily tasks in your home
Guidance and support with daily tasks in the home to maintain or improve your own independence or that of someone you care for.
How to get support in a crisis
Options to get in contact for a range of situations.
Returning home from hospital
When leaving hospital and returning home may mean you need some extra care and support.
Reablement is a service provided to you at home and aims to promote and maintain your independence and reduce the need for formal care and support services.
Dementia support
Support information for those with or looking after someone with dementia.
Sensory impairment and physical disabilities
Support to stay independent, which includes information about mobility and accessibility, as well as driving and Blue Badge parking.
NHS Continuing Healthcare
If your main need for care is because of your health you may be eligible for NHS "continuing healthcare" (CHC) funded support.
Community Micro-enterprises
Small businesses providing care and support to local people.
Employing a personal assistant
Advice and guidance for employing a personal care assistant and support for personal assistants.
Staying independent and living at home
Information about equipment, technology or adjustments to your home as well as community transport, travel and help with daily tasks to live independently.
Living well for longer
Information about improving your strength and balance and the resistance bands exercises you can do to help with your health.
Falls prevention
Falls prevention guidance to check if you’re at risk of falling, the steps to look after yourself and what to do if you have a fall.
Before you consider a care home
Find out all of the care options available in Worcestershire to meet your needs or the needs some someone else.
Paying for care and support
Paying for care, calculating your care costs and support you may be eligible for towards the cost of your care.
Moving to another area or care home (Continuity of care)
If you are moving location or moving between local authorities and need to keep care and support in place.