EYFS Early Support tracking documents
The Early Years Inclusion team, in consultation with practitioners' from mainstream and specialist provisions have updated the EYFS Early Support documents to reflect the changes within the revised EYFS. The documents are in draft format as we see them as a work in progress, and we welcome feedback from SENCO's and practitioners on their content. Comments can be sent to eyinclusion@worcestershire.gov.uk.
Whilst the revised EYFS indicated that detailed tracking is not required for the majority of children meeting their milestones, tracking of children with significant delays and additional needs is still required as part of the Graduated Response Cycle. The documents include statements from the new Birth to Five Matters and Developmental Matters. We have also included the the months of development within the documents as this aids parents understanding of the length of delays for the children with SEND and additional needs. The secure early support steps and stages will still be used by preschool forum and inclusion team to determine whether criteria has been met for inclusion funding and integrated assessments.
- Physical (Word document)
- Communication (Word document)
- PSED (Word document)
- Thinking (Word document)
- Early Support Tracking Overview - Example (PDF)
- Early Support Tracking Overview - Blank (PDF)
- Early support tracking sheet to be completed termly to chart progress over an academic year (Word document)