Inclusion Funding Audits
Early Years Inclusion Supplement Funding Audits are carried out to ensure that all settings who are funded to support inclusive practice within Worcestershire are adhering to the SEND Code of Practice 2015 and Equality Act 2010 and are therefore allowing families to access their free entitlement.
All providers must be able to evidence the level of provision/need of the children during NEF and inclusion team visits. Evidence can include individual support plans, individual education plans, provision maps, and developmental checks. Whilst providers can decide how the funding is spent (e.g. staffing, resources, SENCO non-contact time) they will be closely monitored on the impact of their support to the child or children. If no appropriate impact is evidenced, WCC will request evidence of appropriate spend, and may decide to withhold or recoup funding.
Good provision mapping and the tracking of the outcomes of any interventions offered to the children will ensure that providers have this evidence at hand. Providers are no longer required to upload evidence each term. Monitoring visits will take place each term, with providers being picked at random or on the request of professionals or parents.