Transport, Delivery and Logistics - Yard Operative
Transport, Delivery and Logistics - Yard Operative
Yard operatives load and unload deliveries and reorder stock at factories, warehouses, building suppliers and distribution companies.
- Loading delivery vehicles
- Unload delivery vehicles
- Sort stock
- Move stock to storage areas
Yard operatives may need to work in dusty environments or outdoors and it can be physically demanding.
Yard operatives on average work around 37 to 40 hours a week.
Starting salary: £15,000
There are no set entry qualifications if you want to apply directly, although many employers will expect you to have a good standard of English and maths, some will be more flexible. You could apply for jobs directly. Experience of warehouse work or labouring on a construction site would be helpful. You may need forklift truck training for some jobs.
You could also apply for an apprenticeship. If you have an EHCP you may be able to apply under the DfE exemption which allows the apprentice to use Entry level 3 English and Maths qualifications. The apprentice would have to be component enough to successfully achieve all other aspects of the apprenticeship requirements, become occupationally competent and achieve Entry Level 3 in English and Maths before the end of their apprenticeship.