Transport, Delivery and Logistics - Transport Valet / Washer
Transport, Delivery and Logistics - Transport Valet / Washer
Transport clean and polish cars, lorries, vans, buses and other vehicles. They clean outside of the vehicle. They wash any dirt from the wheels, body and underside. They then remove any rubbish from the inside, vacuum it out and shampoo the seats. They clean the windows and mirrors, then go back outside and polish the body.
- Use hoses to clean vehicles
- Clean windows, wheels, door handles and mirrors
- Vacuum and shampoo upholstery and carpets
- Wax and polish bodywork
- Apply gels and other finishes to bumpers and trims
- Steam clean engines, frames and wheel arches
Transport Valets do most of their work outdoors, which can be in all weathers.
Transport Valets on average work around 37 to 40 hours a week
Starting salary: £15,000
You can apply directly to work as a transport valet. There are no set requirements, but it may be useful if you've got some experience in a related area like industrial or office cleaning.