Security, Armed Services and Emergency Services - Royal Marines Commando
Security, Armed Services and Emergency Services - Royal Marines Commando
Royal Marines Commandos take part in frontline combat, and are sent at short notice to deal with emergency situations.
- Carry out special combat missions
- Intercept drug smugglers at sea or deliver humanitarian aid
- Collect, co-ordinate and interpret intelligence reports
- Fly aircraft and helicopters
- Lead training exercises, such as beach assaults and mountain survival
As a Royal Marines Commando, you could work at a military base, on a ship or in a warzone. Your working environment may be physically and emotionally demanding and outdoors in all weathers.
You may need to wear a uniform and protective clothing.
Royal Marines Commandos work variable hours a week. You could work evenings, weekends and long periods of time away from home.
Starting: £19,000
Experienced: £42,000
You can apply directly to join the Royal Navy as a commando. You don't need any specific qualifications, but you will need to meet the navy's eligibility requirements. For example, you must:
- be aged between 16 and 32
- be at least 145cm tall
- pass fitness tests
If your application is accepted, you'll be invited to talk to someone at your local armed forces careers office about what you want to do. You will then do the Defence Aptitude Assessment (DAA) followed by an interview. If you have the right skills, you'll be asked to attend the 3-day Candidate Preparation Course. This includes further interviews, fitness, medical and aptitude tests.