Personal Services - Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner
Personal Services - Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner
Carpet and upholstery cleaners use special equipment to clean carpets. They also clean curtains and upholstery such as sofas and chairs.
- Clean carpets, curtains, and upholstery such as sofas and chairs
- Use cleaning machines
- Move furniture around to reach all areas of a carpet
Carpet and upholstery cleaners do most of their work indoors.
The hours they work depend on how many customers they have and when their customers need them.
Starting salary: £15,000
You can apply directly to work as a Carpet and upholstery cleaner. There are no set requirements, but it may be useful if you've got some experience in a related area like industrial or office cleaning.You can apply directly to work as a Carpet and upholstery cleaner. There are no set requirements, but it may be useful if you've got some experience in a related area like industrial or office cleaning.