Media, Print and Publishing - Reprographic Assistant
Media, Print and Publishing - Reprographic Assistant
Reprographic assistants use copiers, scanners and printers to make documents, brochures, leaflets and pictures.
- Take customer orders
- Help prepare designs and layouts for print runs
- Work out costs and the number of copies required
- Programme instructions into copying, scanning and printing equipment
- Make sure machines have suitable levels of inks, chemicals and toners
- Mount printing plates, if working on a press, and line them up correctly
- Monitor the progress of the copying run and quality check samples
- Finish copied items by trimming, binding or laminating
- Perform basic equipment maintenance and cleaning
- Record job details and order supplies
Your working environment may be physically demanding.
You may need to wear protective clothing.
39 to 41 hours a week - usually 8:00am until 6:00pm.
Starting salary: £17,000
Experienced salary: up to £25,000
There are no set exams that you have to do to become a Reprographics Assistant, it will be dependent upon the employer. Most employers will ask for some GCSEs, usually including English and maths, or equivalent or an intermediate apprenticeship.
However, you could begin as an admin assistant in an organisation, for example by doing temporary work, then apply for a permanent job as a receptionist when a vacancy becomes available or apply through a supported internship programme. In a reprographics department of a school for example.You could also apply for an apprenticeship. If you have an EHCP you may be able to apply under the DfE exemption which allows the apprentice to use Entry level 3 English and Maths qualifications.
The apprentice would have to be component enough to successfully achieve all other aspects of the apprenticeship requirements, become occupationally competent and achieve Entry Level 3 in English and Maths before the end of their apprenticeship.