Leisure and Sports - Martial Arts Instructor
Leisure and Sports - Martial Arts Instructor
Martial arts instructors teach martial arts like karate, jujitsu and judo.
- Prepare lesson plans
- Demonstrate warm ups, skills training, and physical conditioning
- Coach students
- Develop individual training programmes
- Observe and assess students, and give them feedback
- Develop and practise your own skills
- Take responsibility for the health and safety of students
- Promote your classes
As a Martial Arts Instructor, you could work in a creative studio or at a fitness centre.
Your working environment may be physically demanding and you may need to wear a uniform.
Martial Arts Instructors tend to work variable hours a week. You could work evenings and weekends, managing your own hours.
There are no set entry requirements for this role.
To train as a martial arts instructor you can do a coaching qualification at college that's recognised by the National Governing Body (NGB) for your martial arts discipline.
You can gain useful experience through volunteering in clubs or at sporting events.