Turkey cigars
This traditional Moroccan snack is an ideal starter when you require something a little more sophisticated than a turkey sandwich. It calls upon all of the prime suspects found in a Boxing Day fridge full of leftovers.
- 300 grams chopped leftover turkey meat
- 150 grams leftover stuffing
- 50 grams cranberry sauce
- 50 grams chopped chestnuts
- 1 teaspoons icing sugar mixed with 1tsp ground cinnamon (optional)
- 10 sheets of filo pastry measuring 15 centimetres x 15 centimetres
- In a large bowl mix the turkey, stuffing, chestnuts and cranberry sauce together.
- Have the filo pastry sheets covered with a clean tea towel, otherwise, being pastry made without fat, they'll dry out.
- Pre-heat the oven to 200 celsius. Lay a sheet of filo on a flat surface and put a couple of heaped teaspoons of mix along the edge of the pastry nearest to you, spreading it into a strip, leaving about 1 centimetre at either side. Fold these ends over to form a hem down each side, then brush all the pastry right to the edges with melted butter.
- Now roll the pastry up as tightly as you can into a cigar shape and put it onto a buttered baking tray with the join facing down. Repeat with the other sheets of pastry and the rest of the mixture. Space the cigars out, leaving 3 to 4 centimetres between them on the tray, then brush them with melted butter.
- Bake for about 10 to 12 minutes until golden, then leave to cool on the tray for about 5 to 10 minutes for the cigars to crisp a little. Put the icing sugar and cinnamon into a fine-meshed sieve and dust the cigars by tapping the rim of the sieve against your hand over the cigars. Serve warm.
Recipe provided by Mark Hix for #FoodSavvy Norfolk & Suffolk