Medical Education Team
Provides support teaching pupils of statutory school age with a wide range of physical, emotional and psychological health needs.
The Medical Education Team discharges the duty of the Local Authority in ensuring that arrangements are in place for pupils who are unable to attend school because of their medical needs, to have appropriate and ongoing access to education.
The Team consists of qualified teachers and teaching assistants who are skilled in teaching pupils of statutory school age with a wide range of physical, emotional and psychological health needs.
Recoupment of 80% of the weekly AWPU will apply whilst the pupil is taught by the MET.
If the pupil is in receipt of pupil premium a request to access some of this funding to support an individual pupils needs may be made.
Our Aim
We recognise that all pupils are entitled to an education of high quality and are committed to ensuring that the needs of this vulnerable group of learners are met. Our aim is to provide seamless continuation of teaching and learning responsive to individual needs and in support of a successful and timely return as soon as the pupil's health allows.
Schools can refer pupils to the MET when a medical condition seriously compromises a pupil’s attendance at school. All referrals to the medical education team must be supported by relevant medical evidence from an appropriate specialist service which is currently working directly with the young person.
The Medical Team works in close conjunction with the school to assess the pupil’s educational needs and together a plan is agreed to provide support.
The Medical Education Team provides
- advice to schools on the procedures to be followed when a pupil is absent from school as a result of medical needs
- education from the fifteenth day of absence from school (consecutive or cumulative) or from the first day when illness is recurrent or prolonged
- a range of educational provision, tailored to the individual needs of each pupil and detailed in Personal Education Plans
- regular monitoring and evaluation of pupil progress
- tuition in a range of settings if professionals involved with the CYP and the MET agree this is appropriate to meet need
- reintegration planning and support as appropriate
- close liaison with school based and external partner agencies and professionals including CAMHS and other health professionals
Pupils should remain on the roll of their school, which retains overall responsibility for their education whilst they are unable to attend due to medical reasons.
Individual Healthcare Plan (Word document)
Checklist for referrals (Word document)
Eligibility criteria for SEN, Disabilities and inclusion teams (PDF)
Contact the team
Email: MET@worcestershire.gov.uk
Telephone: 01905 844864