Road Safety Education
What is available to schools in Worcestershire?
A variety of Road Safety education is available to pupils in Worcestershire schools as part of Worcestershire County Council's commitment to reducing the number of accidents involving children.
Every year around 2,500 children are killed or seriously injured on the roads of Great Britain.
For primary school children.
Classroom talks
The Road Safety Team is happy to plan work to address the needs for your age group and environment.
Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1
We discuss with pupils why it is important not to cross the road on their own, who they should cross with, the importance of holding hands with a grown up and the meaning of STOP, LOOK LISTEN.
Year 2 Step Outside Pedestrian Training
Practical training in correct behaviour when walking and crossing roads with adults.
The 'Stepping Out' Pedestrian Project
Has been developed for children in Year 4 to help them develop their basic pedestrian skills. The programme contains teacher led classroom-based work via our website as well as two practical activities on the roads near the school.
Scooter skills training package is available free of charge.
This has been developed in response to an increase in pupils using scooters. The lesson plans are available from the Road Safety Team and include an introductory lesson and Smarter Scooting levels one to three.
For older pupils
We can discuss risk taking, the Green Cross Code and include preparation for making independent journeys.
Pre-driver Training
This course is delivered to Year 12 pupils via our partners Safer Roads Partnership. It aims to equip new drivers with the vital skills and knowledge they need to stay safe on the roads before they start formal driving lessons.
We also have a limited number of loaned resources are also available to schools upon request.
In order for the scheme to be sustained at a high quality the following charges apply:
- year 2 Step Outside Programme: £1 per pupil
- year 4 Stepping Out Programme: £2 per pupil